Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

39 weeks

I know, I know....I'm a horrible blogger. But can you blame me!? I've got more important stuff to do. Like cooking a baby! This baby doesn't want to be born yet. I haven't had any Braxton Hicks contractions, I'm only dilated about 1 cm (maybe), baby's head isn't engaged on my cervix and I'm five days from my due date!

My doctor doesn't want me to go past 41 weeks, since the baby is already measuring about 8.6 #s, which is what I weighed at birth! The hospital won't let me go past 42 weeks. SOoooo, since I don't really want to try to birth a 10 pounder, I'm probably going to be induced on the 7th or 8th. My next doctor's appt is tomorrow morning with a nurse practitioner, whom I have never met. Then, my next appt is the day after my due date, on the 6th. My doctor and I will decide then when to schedule my induction. 

Prayers for an all-natural, smooth delivery would be wonderful! I can't wait to meet our little "Acorn!"